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It sounds like it isn't even his voice on the track. He really seems to be enjoying himself though. It isn't that bad a song, but this smacks of "Milli Vanilli". He's just "bought" singers, and musicians to make it for him. If he tries to "perform" this song, he's going to make Ashley Simpson look like a live act.
Thank you. I needed a laugh this morning and I spewed out coffee all over the place once his head bobbing around and hands doing those moves. I can't figure out if it's cheap drugs or if he was directing traffic.
*shivers* poor Britney. I'm not much of a woman but holy shit - after really lookin at this guy I got the creeps....ewwwwwww
I never saw why people had such dislike for KFed. Now I do. Thank you Kelditty for the enlightenment. He's one step away from being back in his mom's basement, playing Nintendo waiting for her to do his laundry.
Popo Zao is going to become a word like "Zoolander". It will instantly make the reader invision an egotistic, no talent, fame crazed person with delusions of grandeur.
Using it in a sentence: "Yeah, you should have heard his shit, he's like in Popo Zao land."
please someone tell me he wasn't jamming to his own song and saying that it was on fire!!!!!! he is SO gross.....did anyone else notice he really didn't know any of the lyrics except the chorus????
oh wow. what an idiot.