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LOve the way Katie's jeans are so worn in the knees (probably from crawling after Tom or from when they're doing the "Oh Katie, I wish you were Brad Pitt" scenario.)
katie doesnt even look pregnant. she looks like she already had the baby & posh doesnt even look human. tom seems to desperately be trying to snare the beckhams into his scientology lair. RUN Posh RUN!!!!
Come on, let's face it. Victoria IS attractive, it's just taken all that plastic surgery and the posharexia to get her there. Kinda sad that she's not secure enough w/her marriage to just be HERSELF. Katie HAS to feel like such a load! Rumor has it that Posh wants to move to LA so she's grasping at any pseudo-friends she can have (as England hates her!) to try to get in the "in" crowd. Apparently she doesn't know that TomKat are SO on their way out!
Eww, Katie already has that Britney style going on.