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Are Jude and Sienna done? The on and off again twosome have not been seen together for some time and Law has been seen out and about being very flirty with other women. Law's reps deny any split.I can't believe people are still discussing the love life of Jude Law. This is the same guy who will stick his wiener in a vacuum hose for fun. Who cares if they're still together? Hey lunch lady put some pants on.
I don't care how famous you are, I can't stand it when people just throw things on and they are automatically considered a "fashion icon" PUH-lease !!!!!
Yes, this is really her. There are several other pictures of her in this series from on the set of Factory Girl.
I personally love her 'classy' line to the nanny "You better live in fear!" Whoa, she's so fierce (not). And does she always have to wear those ugly ass Ugg boots all of the time??
She is much to do about nothing. She just knew the right bloke to shag in order to boost her career. But if her next movie bombs she could still have a career in paparrazio photos though since she is a guarantee nutcase in front of the camera.
This movie has all the ear marks of a disaster. When Lou Reed crawls out from under a rock after 30 yrs. of being a hermit to condemn Sienna as Edie Sedgewick then you know this is going really suck big time!!
First of all she looked so much better w/long hair. Second, she needs to go all out and shag someone hot (like the new James Bond dude esp. if she is to become a Bond girl). Since he cheated w/his wife and then w/his young attractive fiancee, this dude is never going to change. Once a cheater always a cheater.
Is the new James Bond hot???? sorry but I've seen alot of pics of him and he is kind of old and wierd looking. He looks kinda like a evil elf from Lord of the Rings.
HAHAHAHAHA The nanny is filing against Sienna. She has called London police to report "threatening" statements directed at her by Sienna. I love it. Hell, this bioch attacks paparrazi, her threats of "living in fear of your life", and "waiting for her in dark alleys" should be taken seriously. Sienna's a coked up mental case!!She forgives cheater Jude, and goes after the nanny- true insanity!!!
Sienna is not having a very good week. I have been following her "career" (as it were) because she seems to be the epitome of the "casting couch" type women out there who uses famous men to advance her career. I know, many have, but for Sienna, it seems to be particularly fascinating because in part, it seems to be working for so well for her.
She is NOT a talented actress, yet she is starring in two movies so far this year. She is NOT a steller beauty, yet is on the cover of Vogue. She is NOT a true fashion icon but is worshipped for her outlandish outfits. She made all women groan by taking cheating bum Jude Law back, but was voted "most inspiring woman of the year" by a teen magazine in the UK. Of course later she threaten the life of the nanny on a radio interview.
But this week, the talons have come out. Kate Moss bashed her for playing at being a model. Lou Reed bashed her for cashing in on a person she so totally does not represent(Edie Sedgewick) Of course Elizabeth had previously bashed her for being "common" looking without her hair. And now Sir Jeremy Irons has bashed her for her lack of acting talent.
Some might say all these people are just jealous, and bitter, But I put it too you simply. Sienna is right back in form, doing what she does best. Latching onto, and shagging the daylights out of Hayden Christensen to keep herself in the business. If it ain't broke, don't fix it Sienna. But maybe someday you can prove us all wrong.
And people actually copy HER "style?" (cue insane laughter)