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Well if she was really going Amish, she would have to toss the cell phone, and deliver all of her messages by ox cart or something.
But I think she is calling someone because she is so excited that she is able to walk a straight line on the blue line. She hasn't been this sober in years!
After exhausting all previous friendships with her mindless chatter, and tacky behavior, Kim is caught dragging along a reluctant "friend" to go out on the town with.
The unnamed girl later sprinted for freedom, moments after this photo was taken.
She was engaged to (see below ) Cisco before he dumped her for Misha. That and being known for saying rude things about other celebrities is about all I know about her. Oh yeah, and the Stewart name thing...
Well if she was really going Amish, she would have to toss the cell phone, and deliver all of her messages by ox cart or something.
But I think she is calling someone because she is so excited that she is able to walk a straight line on the blue line. She hasn't been this sober in years!