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Enjoy your weekend bitches. As a tribute to Lindsay and Nicole, I have decided to refrain from eating all weekend.I should be around to blog tomorrow as well................that is if I don't pass out. Nah..I'll let myself eat mints and ice chips. Maybe they'd smile if they ate something.
Yes, "keytone" breath is really rancid. It's the chemical the stomach creates when the bile has nothing to digest. Since Lohan has fessed up to the eating disorder (and she's "fat" compared to Nicole) I wonder how much longer it will be before Nicole admitts to the same.
It's not as if the entire world doesn't suspect this...
The sad thing is, is that Nicole is "rewarded" by starving herself by all the attention, and a Jimmy Choo shoe ad campaign. So she will rationalize that she looks "better" this way, and keep starving herself. Sometimes I think the 'fashion gods' are made up of angry gay men who hate women!!
anyone placing bets on when Nicole is going to be hospitalized for "exhaustion"?