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Here are the stories that I forgot to cover today. Popsugar says forget getting pregnant, J.Lo already as a kid. Tabloid Whore says that Jen Aniston had to find out about Angelina's pregnancy the hard way. Hollywood Tuna thinks Patrick Swayze can rap. D-listed watched Nick Carter and Bai Ling have sex. Gabsmash shows us how Christina Aguilera is copying Jessica Simpson. Too bad Britney thinks an AK47 is some hot new fashion brand.
Crack whores are usually thinner than what Britney is...she is more a doritos and cheese whiz whore....it ain't easy being totally hot when you are a mom.
yeah, but try being a mom with all her money, it sounds pretty easy to look totally hot to me...its not like the kid is really ever with her anyway! she is sloppy & seriously needs to invest in some better fitting clothes...like a size bigger!
For some reason everytime I see a picture of her fat ass now, I totally want to suck on her boobies, roll over and fall asleep...Totally woulda hit it a year ago...Haaarrrdd!!! ~Teeeena
shitney is suck a fuckin' cow: i bet her pants are dragging on the ground, too...