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Lynne Spears is singing praise of her daughter's parenting skills. Lynne claims that Britney is a great mother and is extremely protective of her baby Sean Preston. Oh ofcourse Britney is protective.....not just any nanny can take care of her baby. It has to be a super nanny. In fact, I heard Britney hired Jude Law's old nanny.Nothing like keeping your kid safe and your husband satisfied. Which way is weight watchers?
Man, those nursing mams are really something. That baby must nurse laying across her lap looking up, sort of like a "hands free" feeding or something.
And she has to roll her sweats down like we can't get enough of this shit? There may be a certain percentage of the population who are into this type of thing, but it is usually under the "fetish" catagory in porn.
You would think her mother, sister, or someone would take her aside and have a talk with her. You know her "people" know how this is destroying her image- shoot, her pictures are everywhere and she made Blackwell's number one worst dressed list. So it's not like they don't know what she looks like!
Or maybe they are all like: "Oh Britney, you look Sooo cute!!! you can so totally wear that!! your smokin' now darling!"
Good Lord..our girl does NOTHING but shop...what the F is she buying?? She can't be getting the Goodwill rejects she wears at the Ceasar Forum Shops? Nor is she clothing zoftig little Jamie, is she?
I really wish she would wear a bra!