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Britney Spears is quickly losing her popularity. The star is predicted to be the biggest loser in 2006. That's a pretty nice title considering the subject. Biggest loser in 06 is nothing compared to best trailer park date or biggest mom slut. We'll just have to give her a little more time. Now that she has a young child, Britney Spears has decided to stop prostituting on the street corner and work the playground angle.
People have been saying that since 1998. I remember "Good Morning America" said that people would stop searching for her in 2005 last New Years. She is still going to be the most seaarched celeb for 2006 because people like both trainwrecks or comeback stories which she still has a chance at either one for now.
Comeback: She dumps kevin and makes her self go from trashy to loving parent{like jolie did with billy bob}, she gets the best producers and writers and releases a comeback album with crappy yet catchy "songs"{like mariah carey did with mimi cd}, she hires a trainer and loses extra baby weight{like kate hudsan did after gaining 75 lbs}, she makes sure to fix skin, fix hair and get good etentions, never go out of house without makeup and designer clothes{like nicole richie}.........takes a little work but not impossible
Trainwreck: Keep on doing exactly what she has been doing....keep gross husband, keep bad extensions, keep buying ugly clothes, don't lose weight, don't use proactive ......... go down the courtney love track
Whichever one she chooses, i will enjoy reading about it
I hope she has a cameback also because except for bieng dumb and mega-insecure she actually seems sweet in a niave way from what i saw on her reality show. I've always felt irrationally protective of her. I really and truly wish her happiness and wisdom as she grows. And i'm really hoping those tabloid headlines headlines about her hoping a baby will save her marriage are not true. Its too sad to contemplate.
You can't really see it in this pic but i have seen the other pics that had her friend & baby in them and she is not wearing her wedding ring. If you saw the pics with her shopping with her sister and then her brother, she also didn't have her ring on either time. Hmn, now what happened to the last poptart who didn't wear her ring and the tabloids said her marriage was over..................................
To the first comment - well said, I do think she will have some sort of interest for quite a while to come - either way to go. After some very nice comments I have to admit that I am hoping for the trainwreck which I could see involving (more than just staying her present course) falling into a cycle of having kids to keep Kevin, having Kevin cheat in Vegas, and then having more kids. Or divorcing Kevin and marrying another guy for a year or two before divorcing him until she beccomes this generations Elizabeth Taylor.
People have been saying that since 1998. I remember "Good Morning America" said that people would stop searching for her in 2005 last New Years. She is still going to be the most seaarched celeb for 2006 because people like both trainwrecks or comeback stories which she still has a chance at either one for now.
Comeback: She dumps kevin and makes her self go from trashy to loving parent{like jolie did with billy bob}, she gets the best producers and writers and releases a comeback album with crappy yet catchy "songs"{like mariah carey did with mimi cd}, she hires a trainer and loses extra baby weight{like kate hudsan did after gaining 75 lbs}, she makes sure to fix skin, fix hair and get good etentions, never go out of house without makeup and designer clothes{like nicole richie}.........takes a little work but not impossible
Trainwreck: Keep on doing exactly what she has been doing....keep gross husband, keep bad extensions, keep buying ugly clothes, don't lose weight, don't use proactive ......... go down the courtney love track
Whichever one she chooses, i will enjoy reading about it