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Apparently you're not anyone unless you are at the beach this week. Young Hollywood has flocked to warm weather destinations to frolic in the sun. I personally am enjoying the new year by laying out at the local community pool in 30 degree partly cloudy weather. So what if the pool has no water in it....the view of stray animals and garbage cans are breathtaking. Paris and gang could only wish they were here. My mom called...she's wants her beach cover up back. Mischa looks confused. She's probably wondering why her boyfriend is making out with her little sister. A porn shoot by the beach? Lohan wouldn't want to wreck her $300 trip to the spray-a-tan booth so she borrowed a hat from J.Lo to block the sun's evil rays. Idiots....can't you at least fill my glass up to the top? The help here blows........where the hell did I put my cigarettes?
Not too long ago this idiot was whining about not being taken seriously in the film business, being portrayed as a non-stop party girl. Then why did this slut head straight for Miami for New Years celebrating instead of staying put in L.A. and enrolling in an acting workshop?
I now have no pity for this ignorant, vapid-brained, cum-sucking slut.
the picture of tara reid is the best!