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REALLY safe to hold your baby while a lollipop stick is hanging out of your mouth Brit- you could blind him, or he can head butt you and send it down your throat........good thinking! (You'd think her idiot mother would stop her from doing this)
her idiot mother is apparently not concerned, as she is sucking a lollipop as well. hey brit brit, ever heard of a stroller? or are you trying to show the world what a "hands on mom" you are?
yeah, that's not a stage photo op to show she handles her own kid. look how comfortable and naturals he looks. look at the maternal instinct she displays in sucking on the lollipop and letting him list to the side like that. At least the kid will be rich. If daddy doesn't spend it all.
You people are ridiculous. Why does she need to have a stroller? Why can't she have a lollipop? I seriously doubt she will drop her child or poke his eye out. Everybody relax. And maybe Britney is a hands-on mom, what is wrong with that? Cut the girl a break, not everything she does is awful. Although everything she wears and everyone she marries is awful.
cathy, do you have children? because I do, and I'm not willing to carry them through the mall. I love my children to the death, but man, they're heavy! ain't nothin' wrong with a stroller. that's why they make them.
I totally agree anon., I wouldn't be carrying my baby through the mall either. I was just trying to say that Britney shouldn't be criticized for not using a stroller. If she wants to lug that baby around, more power to her.
there is nothing wrong with her holding the baby......babies would rather be held than stuck in a stroller. BUT, they do jerk around some, and that lollipop stick is dangerous.
nothing tackier than grown women sucking on lollipops.