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I like the one person toasting with milk at the far right. Heather should slap her for drinking milk from this poor oppressed animal!
Yes, Heather McCartney is so dedicated to her green causes that she flys her fuel guzzling private jet all over just to toast these ceremonies. She would never waste her time, or millions on such frivolous causes like AIDS, or World Hunger or anything.
So what if the champagne she is drinking was harvested by oppressed migrant workers- J.Crew if fur free!!!
Some people fight for animals, others against AIDS, others against poverty...geez, give the girl a break. She's doing her part!!!! If only everyone would do his or her part, the world would be a different place!!!
Freedom of choice baby! I not on the cruelty to animal bandwagon, I have several beloved pets myself, but NO ONE has the right to boycott, threaten, harrass, or throw paint on people just because they do not embrace "their" passion.
Nobody's trapping for furs in the wild now for Christ sake, they are all bred for furs, like chickens, cows, and sheep are breed for their meat.
PETA sucks. And if she is connected with them, and supports them, she sucks too.
By the way, I am sure you are not comparing starving children to eliminating fur trims on sweaters, cause if you were, you haven't seen enough real life.
I like the one person toasting with milk at the far right. Heather should slap her for drinking milk from this poor oppressed animal!
Yes, Heather McCartney is so dedicated to her green causes that she flys her fuel guzzling private jet all over just to toast these ceremonies. She would never waste her time, or millions on such frivolous causes like AIDS, or World Hunger or anything.
So what if the champagne she is drinking was harvested by oppressed migrant workers- J.Crew if fur free!!!