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Sure you can still have a white Christmas this year Kate........just do it in the privacy of your own home this time. Found this on Fancy Katt's Gabfest but I have no clue where they found it.
Kate has really had some year. I wish I could feel more sorry for her, but the drugs always do catch up with you one way or another. And anyone could see her relationship with loser, drug addict Pete was a disaster waiting to happen. Hope she has a better year, and better judgement in 06.
Lila is so freakin cute. I can't believe she would subject one second of that child's life to a scumbag like Pete. Whoever says Kate's a good mom....good moms put their kids first, not their drugs and boyfriends.
Man, she ought to be sending reminders to go get blood tests to all of her close "friends" this year.
Sicko,druggie ex-Pete is on HIV alert! for real!