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Brad Pitt is in the process of adopting Angelina Jolie's kids. The kids will take on the last name Jolie-Pitt. I seriously have got to look into these two adopting me. Forget the screwy hyphenated last name.......having them as your parents is like discovering an oil field. Can you imagine what Christmas is going to be like this year? Forget socks and boardgames........your getting your own yacht and beach house in Mailbu. What are these two doing now? They had better not be trying to smuggle any new children in those bags.
Wow there they are, taking two people to lift one bag of something, and then they were exhausted from their humanitarian efforts and had to get on a plane and fly to Tokyo....give me a break, who do they think they are fooling?
You know, deep down I really hoped that these two were sincere in their "hands on" humanitarian efforts, but then I keep seeing pictures of them all the time.
Audrey Hepburn did tremedous work in her later years (no picture promotion bit). I have to give Sandy Bullock credit, she's another "quiet" do gooder that does not have to have her name or picture taken every time she writes a check. Some would say they are "bringing attention to the situation." But, call me jaded- I think they are merely bringing attention to themselves.
At least they aren't Scientologists.