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It's a good thing fellow blogger Perez Hilton has become a D-list celebrity because now we can get the real scoop on the life of Paris Hilton. Hilton claims that the police did not confiscate her monkey Baby Luv, but she is going to send it off to a ranch.Paris is almost done recording her album and according to Perez, it sounds good.Paris and Stavros are still together and Paris Latsis even approves of the relationship. Paris Latsis is not dating Tara Reid and is not interested in her at all. Umm Perez...if you keep hanging out with Hilton and posse, your blog is going to get really boring. I guess they celebrate Halloween late in California. It's good to see that Stavros is still an idiot. Thank god she still owns that monkey. I've been worried sick about it. Pictures via who else but Perez Hilton.
Perez sucks now! Ever since he met Paris, he kisses her ass like CRAZY......he even made a comment about Aniston being slutty- yet Paris can do no wrong...it's a joke!
I've heard that there are plastic surgeons in L.A., duh! So why doesn't Paris get her lazy left eye fixed, it's the only thing more annoying that her!!! I take that back, are all the guys she has jumped in the sack with idiots, ever hear of STDs or AIDS guys?
i tend to agree with you anon 9:14am. If Perez met Jen Aniston tomorrow he would kiss her ass too. You all don't have to worry about me kissing any ass or meeting any celebs for that matter unless they are deranged sitcom actors from the 70's or retired country music singers.
Stavros and Paris really irk the fug out of me. I think it's because he left M-K for her. M-K while slightly annoying with her bones and baglady dress, still presents some amount of decency and seeming substance, especially now that shes gained some weight back. I guess compared to Paris, anyone seems that way. She's just a pretty pussy
Hey, we all know she will move on to new territory in a few weeks. Paris doesn't date, she grazes.
But more importantly, she is wearing some seriously wacky "Early Goldie Hawn on Laugh In" type designs in these pics.
Reminds me of Peter Max, and the Beatle's Yellow Submarine. But I am sure she wouldn't have a clue about that.....she'd wear anything as long as it was "expensive."
That monkey thing was "sent to a ranch"? Awww, is that what her parents told her? That happened to me too- when my dog wouldn't stop pooping in the house. He "went to live on a farm".
Perez sucks now! Ever since he met Paris, he kisses her ass like CRAZY......he even made a comment about Aniston being slutty- yet Paris can do no wrong...it's a joke!