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I was actually taken aback by the visciousness of that stupid comment. Please please PLEASE don't EVEN make me think that the ONE arena in which I respect EVERYONE, the celeb blogger realm, is about to go down that stupid jealousy path....the bitching about each other/hating each other path. What? Now YOU have to beceome EXCACTLy like those you mock??? Cut the shit. You're so goddamn funny without that crap.
I do not like that person next to the other person I do not like either, but, you know, your comment is pretty much mediocre... btw - why do you link him, if you think he is a pig?
i thought it was funny..if you decide to go out with a celebrity and try to become on of them then you should be aware and ready for the same criticism that you gave others..plus he is fat and rather pinkish
and yeah, looks like the same person wrote the first few posts. perez's site has been going downhill for a while, anyway he has been making viciously funny comments on other stars, so as far as i'm concerned ,he is fair game esplly if he's going to kiss butt and parade around with everyone's fav love-to-hate target Paris
.....man the haters have quite an uneventful life. I thought it was funny. Nothing to have a fuckin heart attack over. Perez not being a hot fag is suuuuch a dissapointment and you know Paris is just using him because he says nice things about her and she wants him to promote her upcoming "album".
Too bad all this site can do is bite off of perezhilton's website. Perez's website makes this website look like a first time front page highschool assignment. And, funny--most of the material you post on here, Perez has had up on his site for hours if not days. He is adorable--stick to bashing paris. And, he shows his face. What are you hiding behind YOUR computer? Probably a cow (which is much worse than a pig).
Take care and maybe find some better material--then maybe I'll consider checking your website after I have finished reading all of perez's.
You know...people sit there and make fun of the way stars look on this site all the time. Then someone says something about a heavy set gay man and all hell breaks lose.
What's up with that? If someone ( anyone ) is hanging off Paris Hilton like Baby Luv then they're fair game to target. End of story...
Perez kisses Paris ass, so do you really think he's going to be straight(oops,I guess not) about the bimbo and her antics, she sucks, her album probably sucks, his page sucks and everyone of you that has been making a stink about him being called a pig....SUCK TOO!
We will now be nice and refer to him in a more sopphisticated manner " Le cochon" or maybe you prefer "El cerdo"... a pig,is a pig is a pig...
You fucking cunt. That was totally uncalled for. At least Perez is making a success out of his blogging, which is more than I can say for your el-cheapo page. You're probably some fat, bitter whore who gets off on putting people down. I'll never come back here again.
well since you've decided to take a lame cheap shot at Perez, I guess that means he really has made it. Youre not anyone if no one's talking shit about you.
Personally, I think the comment is fair game. When you start hanging out with Paris You should expect youe life to become total shit. It's his fault. Hew of all people should know bntter. . .
I think we need to keep in mind that the whole point of this site is to make fun of these people, if Kelditty has to tone down every comment that might offend someone this site would be fucking boring. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out.
nothin' like controversy to up the traffic! I thought it was funny. the whole perez-paris thing is like having your best friend suddenly join the 'popular' crowd you used to make fun of together, and now they only talk to you when no one's looking... = fair game. love your site.
Kelditty,tell them all to kiss your ass, at least you're not a sell out....Perez press your shirt, lose 10 pounds and stop kissing being Paris's bitch!!!
The tangerine coloured dress is really attractive on Paris.
Just thought I would add something non-confrontational to the thread. Unless you have issues with the colour orange or something. Oh, (this will really stir things up) His tie does not really match his shirt, and pants. There, I've said it.
You have to admit that it's pretty fucking funny that Perez Hilton used to bash all the socialites he now photographs himself with. He doesn't talk shit about them anymore. Boo.
Although Perez Hilton's site may look more professional but the content on this site is WAY BETTER. Plus, everyone mentioned on this site is a target for insults, hence the blog name.
LOL! I'm a gossip whore and I read the blogs almost daily to get my fix. Ditto what everyone said about certian bloggers selling out and kissing ass because they've become sorta D-list celebrity wannabes (and I'm not only refering to Mr. Shiny Tie pictured here). I think this site is dead on hilarious.
I think what Kelditty said about Perez was okay. If Perez crosses the line and tries to become one of the people he routinely critizes then he's fair game. Perez is just another of those wannabe celebrities who move to southern California and does nothing but add to the freeway congestion and city blight. And as far as you little heroes defending him, well, just stay in your midwest shitholes and go ride a bull, and stay out of California.
you guys are awesome. seriously I mean it. Coming home this weekend to read these comments were great because it's interesting to see everyone's opinions. I do like perez alot. I think he's very funny however the whole situation with paris hilton is strange. I feel like she's using him as a decoy in some weird game or something like that. i made the comment because the picture isn't exactly his best and he looked kinda sweaty. like a sweaty pig. i don't know....it's the first thing that came into my head when I saw the picture so I went with it. i loved everyone's comments though. good and bad. I'm glad I went with this post! :)
But pigs don't sweat...they have no sweat glands...thats why they role in mud to keep their body temp down...
His new relationship with her is strange...but then again...Parasite is a weirdo and almost everything she touches turns to shit..she is the opposite of Midas...oh well
Well, if Perez is going to completely sell out and start sucking Paris's nasty ass, he deserves to get ripped apart. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. Dumbass got his start by ripping celebs, but now he's rubbing elbows with the people he used to loathe? This guy's a sellout and is alienating his audience.
kelditty i love you. i think half if these comments were written by the same person. what i think these haters don't realize is that you make fun of people to make people laugh.
I think most of the haters in this post are Perez himself. lol But he is sort of a celebrity now which makes him fair game, fellow blogger or not. He appears on the E! News and now he works for VH1. I hope Perez knows that Paris is pretty much using him so she can basically tell him what to write on his site and get good press for herself.
i'm not sure that perez would even make mean comments on this site. if he can dish it out he better be able to take it. i really enjoyed this post and the comments. i will continue to read this site because kelditty tells it like it is.
ha! kelditty I don't think that any of the people that bashed you even read this site. your caption got linked to perez's message board and comment list so random people are clicking on it to make comments to defend him. if those people actually read this site they probably would never read perez's crappy ass kissing site again.
Kelditty, keep up the good work. Perez is a (z-list) celeb now, he is fair game. He doesn't think twice about saying way more offensive stuff about the celebrities he is not "best friends" with, so if he can dish it out, he should be able to take it.
the best thing about the post is that the freaks reading perez posted it on the message board so I'm guessing this site is getting more traffic because of it!!! controversy never hurt anyone. kelditty is da BOMB!
I love this. I love it love it love it. If he didn't kiss Paris Hilton's ass so much, Perez might be worth reading still. BTW, he stole an image of mine--as in, I fashion directed it and worked with the photog on it (it even won an award!)...the actual picture of the eye and nail up at the top of his page...and we've approached him about it, but he refuses to take it down (he said he would, but he hasn't--it's been four months since I discovered it). Not a very credible character, if you ask me. Don't worry...we are seeking legal action.
Didn't Perez once beg everyone for money bc he couldn't pay the hosting fees or something? Now he gloata about hanging with Paris and going to Koi with her. I would love to go to Koi but never with her and never with her footing the bill so that I will say good things about her surely crappy album. Two syllables-sell-out. And seriously he is so very unfortunate looking and the comment was fine. His news is never via his own investigation others bring it to him or he jacks it off the message boards, not exactly inventing the wheel here just being a bitch boy to Paris etc.
I heard he lost a lot of bloggers. I dont like the stupid site. He has a chick, who loves jen aniston. She is the one spamming his articles. They call her the jenlover stalker. She makes the site suck worse. I love this site. <3 Deb
i adore perez. he is witty noy catty. and seriously his looks dont matter, he is cute, but moreover he is fun to read. this site is boring and has old pics. perez and popsugar and pink is the new blog are where its at. this is a 4th rate site.
Now, now children, put the table knives, and hole punches down. There's enough celebrity crap to keep everyone happy.
Funny that everyone seems to forget this guy's obnoxious habit of pirating other blogs with his own ego inflated self -promotional posting of his link on everyone's threads.
That alone makes him a target in my book. X marks the spot, and the X on his bum is so large tha helicopters are circling to land.
whatever i love this site. i think you are forgetting that perez and trent have no other jobs then blogging. oh wait perez has a second job, being paris hilton's bitch.
That was rude...