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Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are finally parents to a baby girl. No news is given on the weight, length, or name of the baby, however Ben has announced that the child is a natural at poker and that her favorite Starbucks drink is the Mocha Frappuccino. Shit..... did someone run off with her Starbucks? If you would like to see Jen's litter, please check out Cat.lebrity
I really like Jen. Ben (ehh..) but Jen seems like a sweetie. Glad they did not name the child "Avocado", or "Coconut" or something like that.
I'm not suggesting that she may have consumed ginormous amounts of caffine while pregnant or anything, but she was over heard screaming "FASTER!!, FASTER!!, FASTER!!" in the birthing room.
Violet ? how cute. I like Jen Garner too- funny how inspite of her past lovelife,no one hates her..but if it was anyone else like Jlo,pple scoff at her
And speaking of Apple, Gwyneth is expecting a Peach or a Pear. Heaven help me in four/five months when new baby arrives and all people can talk about is Gwyn's naming choices!
Violet Ann actually...