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.....and if that was the case you know that the bitch would high tail it to the 90210 abortion clinic but unfortunately we're talking about Tori Spelling here so she's just thrilled that someone's man-sperm entered her body. Spelling is supposedly pregnant with her Canadian lover, Dean McDermott's baby. And considering the fact that she's not even divorced yet, her soon to be ex-husband has even more ammo to pistol whip that bitch in court. Money is nice, Spelling money nicer. Yeah I can see the resemblance.
Damn, I need to find me some rich witch who will cheat on me and get knocked up so I can take all her daddy's money. Charlie's a genius. He deserves it for putting up with/sleeping with that for as long as he did.
who has the pool on how long this next relationship will last and when this baby will be arrested for the first time?