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LOL, I live for the day she is on a television show titled: "Remember when?"
I don't believe she has the 'right stuff' to last in the biz. She can be very attractive, but she lacks real talent, is way over exposed, and she has no work ethic.
It will all catch up to her, and #46 is only the begining, there's only so many Herbie movie options.
Lindsay is so not hot when you take away the make up and fake boobies are so not hot too.
Plus she cant' sing to save her live. Like her best friend Hilary Duff. They both act in movies which will leave an impact on no one except for 10 year olds and horny old men and geeks. I think they both have a lot in common.
meme I agree. She is manufactored like Hilary, for public consumption.
I think it is quite funny that she is really trying to locate her identity. Most teens do this anyway without the media hype, but this album cover really cracks me up. Lindsay wants to be "mature" now, and a 1940's style screen siren??
Next, she'll be dressed up like Cyndy Lauper is this doesn't work.
Hey, be fair, now. It's not true that she is/was talentless. When she was much younger she was good in "The Parent Trap".
She's a mess now, physically and mentally, because of her parents and the business and drugs and eating disorders. I don't know if she still has any talent left but she had it once. Hillary Duff - never. And LL also once had the potential to be beautiful but that may be gone forever now too.
We can still rank on her, of course, but let's give credit where it is due.
it doesn't take that much talent to act in dinsey remakes.all i can give her credit for is that she knows how to kiss the right amount of ass. and knows when theres a photo opportunity.
that was really mean.