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Sienna Miller wants this year to be over with so she can move on with her life. The star states that this year has been tumultuous and that she would like to get away from the constant barrage of the paparazzi. I don't know Sienna......the paparazzi really likes stupid people and currently you have the top spot on my idiot list. If anyone has any extra anti-depressants laying around their house, please overnight them to Sienna.
Lovely pictures... make your mum proud and your dentist too. I would run for dear life just seeing those massive two front teeth she has. I know what she won’t be asking for this holiday season!
Sienna Miller is trash. Jude Law has a pindick. Their perfect together, as ifSienna wasnt fucking the nanny as well, she looks like a total muffdiver. Argh styley my ass, shes fucked and overrated. Sadie is so much hotter than this bitch!
Ahh yes, my favorite blog fodder, Sienna Miller in all of her coke induced glory!
She can't understand why the paprazzzi keep following her around. It's like they are expecting her to freak out, act like a lunatic, and provide them why hysterically funny photos or something...........
They are so suited for each other. I used to think Jude flew the moon but now I just think he is an aging, disease ridden horndog with bad taste in women.
She needs to stop believing all of her own hype. She's useless.
I also used to think that Jude Law was so sexy, especially in Cold Mountain, but now I just think that he is trash.....People who cheat, men especially, sicken me....
Remind me why is she famous again?