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Looks like she's really SUFFERING being home with the baby..... I hate KFED but it ain't like Britney isn't out enjoying life.Anyone that thinks either of them spend 10 minutes with their spawn each day is probably misguided.
I think she looks great, but she needs to decide between the bleach blonde hair and the pale pasty skin....either hit the brunette bottle or hit the tanning salon cause both together aren't working. I don't think there's any problem with her out and about, even with a newborn it's not like you want to spend every breathing second with them. You need to get out and have a moment of free time every day or so. It's healthy.
A lot of websites have made a big deal about KFED out partying while poor Brit is stuck at home with the baby. It doesn't look like either of them is chained to their child....I'm sure she has no idea what it's like to be a REAL Mom what with nannies , housekeepers, etc... It's just an accessory to some celebrities. If that is indeed fur she is wearing, I hope she gets the JLO/ Star Jones treatment. It's disgusting... Makes her look even more like the white trash she is...
Is that a glass of wine she's holding in the first picture? Dammit they don't hand those out when I go to Gap, what's up with that? I'm shopping at the wrong stores.
Looks like she's really SUFFERING being home with the baby.....
I hate KFED but it ain't like Britney isn't out enjoying life.Anyone that thinks either of them spend 10 minutes with their spawn each day is probably misguided.