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Though she's claiming she wrote it all on her very own, Gawker is taking bets on who actually wrote Nicole Richie's novel. I say Nicole's fiance DJ AM wrote it. He's supposed to be some sort of DJ yet I haven't seen him doing shit except escort Nicole to Starbucks so she can nourish her body with caffeine and non-fat milk. Oh no don't let the picture fool you.......they're leaving a restaurant but they only went to use the restroom and steal a few mints for dinner.
I like La Richie, but there's no way she wrote that book. Not that it's any good, but it still would have taken a long time and contemplation to be written.
I also love the way all of these super skinny celebs seemed to be photograhed leaving resturants all the time. That's a good one. Like they actually eat or something!
Dude if I had money to support a raging meth habit, I'd never eat again either! I know it sounds bad considering she weighs about the same amount as one of the lame ass Top 40 CD's AM "spins", but I think she looks cute for a 12 year old boy.
nicole looks good on this pic. congrats to her!