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i see he does that ridiculous belly touch pose that tom cruise does to all his women. what is with celebrity men & the bellies of their dates? i have noticed this in more than a couple of pics with other celebs as well. is it some kind of instinctual territorial thing? my friends & their dates never pose like this...
Keith has such a great sense of humor that I wouldn't be surprised if he's doing that "hand" thing to make fun of Tom and Katie. Love him, he's "aussome"
This relationship has been on the go since June although they met in January, that's 5 months and these are only the third set of pics out there despite these 2 being seen everywhere, they've kept it out of the spotlight. She is handling it pretty maturely, very different to when she was involved with Tom Cruise, the relationship is not happening in the Hollywood-sphere, they seem to just head to Nashville or NY. Nice to see that they had their parents with them. I have to agree, this is the first time, I have seen Nicole Kidman looking confident and in command of herself, now if she just changes her hair back to red. There are even more beautiful pics with both set of parents. I hope they enjoy each other. God love you Tom but take a leaf out of your ex's book and start acting like a 43 year old.
I remember when Nic and Tom were still together, she said in an interview that Tom would leave her if she lost her belly; that he lo-o-oo--ved her belly. face it, people, he is a freak.
I remember when Nic and Tom were still together; she said in an interview that he would leave her if she ever lost her belly; that he lo-o-o-o-ved her belly. face it, people, he is a freak
Enjoyed everything about your post 1:40 until your last comment of 'loving Tom'. I respectfully disagree.
But you could also add to "acting like a 43 yr.old" the comment, "and stop brainwashing your young girlfriend, and subjecting her to insensitive, and harmful behaviour, with your beliefs."
i see he does that ridiculous belly touch pose that tom cruise does to all his women. what is with celebrity men & the bellies of their dates? i have noticed this in more than a couple of pics with other celebs as well. is it some kind of instinctual territorial thing? my friends & their dates never pose like this...