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In an effort to save their marriage, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are vacationing in NYC sans baby. The duo are trying to patch up their rift and felt that going to New York would give them the chance to work things out in private. Great idea gang...New York is just the beacon of privacy. No people or paparazzi in sight. Nothing like having your mother-in-law accompany you to the clubs to keep you in check Kevy-Kev.
You know..this bitch ran her mouth talking about all the joys of motherhood,she couldn't wait to have a baby,she was going to be a "hands on mom" no nannies,no help,blah,blah,blah,..we've never seen her w/him,she's been eating,shopping,traveling and no kid!(and if he's around,the bodyguard is carrying him)what the f...! I understand needing a break(you JUST had him a few wks ago)but come on ,go take care of your kid, you know the one you wanted so bad!!I am sure by know he's calling the help "mommy"!!
I couldn't agree with you more.... these two are the most self absorbed celebrities !!! You always see them doing things for themselves. Like I wrote in another post, where are all the bags from Toys R Us??
...skanky, dirty, white-trash, should-be trailer dwelling ho and her low life loser husband should be shot at point blank range to avoid future procreation...
...skanky, dirty, white-trash, should-be trailer dwelling ho and her low life,loser husband should be shot at point blank range to avoid future procreation...
There's been about 5-6 other celebs that have had babies in the last few mths, with ALL of them it's been about the baby,every photo,every comment every story...with TT(trailer Trash) + wannabe Rap Daddy, its ALL about them. The deserve each other and that baby deserves better!!
i couldn't have said any better than you guys. i am just at a loss of words reguarding them. that poor baby will end up a bastard with a stripper mama.
oh man i couldnt agree more with the trash comments about that little trollop! ive never liked her, never thought she was sexy and that gas station washroom barefoot thing??!!! i think even white trashers have more class than THAT! ewww, a gas station washroom!!! ok sorry-- anyway shes a piece of old gum i wouldnt peel off the bottom of my lacroixs! maybe she got kevin that way... not off her lacroix, but off the bottom of that bare foot after she exited the gas station washroom.....eat your <3 out skank, look at all the other hott moms who lost ALL THEIR BABY WEIGHT ALREADY!!! put the cheetos and fraps away!
You know..this bitch ran her mouth talking about all the joys of motherhood,she couldn't wait to have a baby,she was going to be a "hands on mom" no nannies,no help,blah,blah,blah,..we've never seen her w/him,she's been eating,shopping,traveling and no kid!(and if he's around,the bodyguard is carrying him)what the f...! I understand needing a break(you JUST had him a few wks ago)but come on ,go take care of your kid, you know the one you wanted so bad!!I am sure by know he's calling the help "mommy"!!