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While I usually think everyone looks better as a brinette, Jessica is one I always thought looked better as a blonde. But damn, that's scary. She needs to quit hittin the (peroxide) bottle for awhile. And somebody please take her eyeliner pencil away from her. She needs intervention.
Oh as if none of you have ever gone out after waking up from a night out with your left over make on and a partial hangover! Get over yourselves! Jessica is awesome! Love her to pieces!!!
Hell YEAH, she's awesome! People are so quick to judge... Just because her toilets are made of gold, she still shits the same as you and me. Jessica Simpson could wear a trash bag and wipe mud on her face and still look better than most of the jealous people who dog the hell out of her.
umm this blog is about her in the morning not us. If you have a problem with people talking bad about her than you might as well get off this site and go to The Jessica simpson fan club site! Get over yourself and let people voise there opinions!
It seems perfectly simple actually. The minute they STOP taking her picture everytime she sticks her head out, she will be forced to have to marry another vacuous person, and star on another lame reality show.
These people live to be photographed. We enjoy trashing them. It's a perfect simbiatic relationship.
jessica didn't deserve to get slapped.you people that are making fun of her are mean.what if you got slapped and you were a celebrity and people all over the world were saying mean and bad things about you,[and if you were wondering,yes this is coming from a child but i still know what i'm talkin about] .i bet you would be embarrased big time,and another thing,jessica is very pretty and just because of the picture they posted is a bad picture of her dosnt mean that all of the people all of the world should say bad things about the way she looks.i bet that all of the people that are sending comments about how bad she looks in the picture arnt probably half as pretty she is.so you all just need to stop.
Hah, learn how to spell voice jackass., But being a guy I see my girl get up every once in a while with last nights make-up on because we came home late,(and were drunk). It washes off get over it. It is kind of weird she went out in public like that.
While I usually think everyone looks better as a brinette, Jessica is one I always thought looked better as a blonde. But damn, that's scary. She needs to quit hittin the (peroxide) bottle for awhile. And somebody please take her eyeliner pencil away from her. She needs intervention.