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I am exhausted, moody, and pretty much in a crappy mood so my posts will be out later then normal tomorrow.........if I even get to posting all. Luckily I have a day of rest ahead so maybe my senses will resume to their normal, positive, and pleasant self. HA! Hmm.............should the Duffster be standing in front of a wall that says glamour all over it.......I'm going to say no. What the..........Heidi's gotten real creative after the second kid.Hey Seal arrest me for saying that "Crazy" is the only good song you've ever come out with. Hey Snow White.......... are those your dwarfs? Sweet....JT is still with Cameron and I am still grossed out. I would gladly pay a million dollars to see his ass get back together with Britney but then again probably so would Britney.
i will third the seal comment and second the kiss by a rose comment. heidi klum has a huge yearly halloween party in manhattan that my friend always manages to go to through whatever connections she has. i cant believe shed wear that to her own party. ouch. and dont diss seal, mommy needs her own seal, bitch!
thanks, crackwhore. unfortunately not too well. the semicolon kirkregaard fan turned out to be boring; the fellow university alum is gay; and the rest of the crop like football, beer and barbecue and want me to come out to their lakehouse or go RVing.
i love you kelditty