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Spank my monkey bitch. Paris Hilton has traded in her dog for a pet monkey. Ms.Hilton has been bringing the animal with her everywhere she goes including the racy Agent Provacateur lingerie store. Hmmm.....yeah that will probably be kinky enough for her.............have fun in the fitting rooms. Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let that thing have rabies.
that stupid fucking bitch gets away with everything...I hate her! Months ago, I brought my Jack Russell Terrrier into Fred Segal in Santa Monica...I was HOLDING her, and they asked me to leave. I said to the lady, "And if I was Paris Hilton you'd ask me to leave?" They don't know how much I was going to spend! I hope that monkey thing claws hert fucking eyes out...when will karma come around for this slut?
I hate that bitch! First she gave away her dog because it grew up, and she replaced it with a puppy. Now she's got this monkey? I wonder if she really did give up her dog in order to carry the monkey around with her. Plus I'm pretty sure she bought her Chi's at a pet store, like the bitch doesn't have the money to find a responsible breeder. Like the stupid no talent slutbag has the first clue how to care for that monkey. I pray she hired someone to care for it, for the monkeys sake. AGGGGH!
It's not a monkey, it's a kinkajou. But hey, the exotics breeders in the US are probably creaming themselves with the exposure the poor creature is getting from Paris. I am happy it clawed her and bit her in the face, because hopefully it means that more idiots will stay away from exotics.
I think she already has immunity to rabies!