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I fucking LOVE that girl.....god know why...lol...but she's gorgeous...and doesn't date complete losers and try and get attention by taking a MONKEY shopping with her
You know, this is what pisses me off about guys. The stomach bump is a very difficult area for women. And if a woman has endometriosis, you can expect a small stomach bump.
Quit thinking Mary Kate and Photoshopped models are what women should look like.
I'm sure your stomach bump is 3xs the size of Nicoles. So pipe down, winner.
I just saw the cover of Life & Style mag this week...it claims that Jessica Simpson has gained 30 lbs since Dukes,,,,,,give me a break!!! And then they wonder why these girls get crazy about their weight? They gain 5 fucking lbs and they are CRUCIFIED in the mags.....but then, they are too skinny.......
what the fuck? she doesn't have a freakin' 'stomach bump'? if she does, then you must be seeing something akin to starving children in africa. if she's pregnant, then i must be about 8 months along! god, we are sooo warped.
if you look 8 months pregnant, girl, you should hit the gym. i am 5'1'' and weight about 90 lbs., but i am workin' to get to 'bout 80-85. richie ain't skinny; she gots a bump!
Holy crap anon 1:06, you have some serious body image issues. I am 4'10.5" tall and I weight between 100-105...and I still wear a size 0 and have trouble finding jeans small enough for me! I got down to 90lbs when I lost my appetite for a while, and I looked sick! Thankfully my friend pointed it out to me, because I didn't even notice that I had lost that much weight. Yea at 5'1 you should weight at LEAST 100lbs. At 80-85lbs you won't be able to find pants small enough for you. Heres a tip, guys like a girl with tits and ass. I know, I am "one of the guys" and I hear them talk about girls all the time.
11:13 - If you don't know a person's body type, you can't really be giving out that type of advice. A person can be short, but have big bones and weigh 140 lbs. Or a person can have a very small frame and weigh quite a bit less. I am pretty petite at 5'3" and I weigh 105 no matter what I eat. And my opinion on Nicole Richie? I don't think you can really judge whether or not she's anorexic or has an eating disorder or what. You don't know her and you only see her in photos. I personally think she looks FABULOUS.
She has a small stomach bump in this one, too...
You sure she isn't knocked up?