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Nick Lachey will play a Newlywed again on T.V., only this one might have a better chance of lasting. Lachey will star in a new WB sitcom in which he'll play a newly married baseball star.The pilot for the show will be shot next April and will hopefully get picked up in the network's fall lineup......................................not if Papa Joe has anything to say about it. Just in case you were all wondering............ Jessica wants you to know that she is no longer wearing her ring.
She is such a mess. God help all of us now that she will be dating. UGH can you imagine what that would look like! She has a lot of oats to sew. She is going to turn into a Farah Fawcett.
She is such a mess. God help all of us now that she will be dating. UGH can you imagine what that would look like! She has a lot of oats to sew. She is going to turn into a Farah Fawcett.