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If you need some painkillers, make sure you call Madonna because apparently she's likes to dabble as a pharmacist on the side. The signer has more painkillers in her medicine cabinet then Russ Limbaugh and Liza Minelli combined but swears she never takes any of the drugs. Madonna explains that she has a fondness for collecting the pills but doesn't like using them because she's a control freak.Yeah I hate painkillers too. There's nothing worse then popping a few vicodin and chugging a beer before you hit the clubs on a Friday night.Horrible. Don't mind Madonna............a mid-life crisis can happen to all of us. Picture via Hollywood Rag
I find it very sad that a middle aged former rock star resorts to touching her self on stage to make us think she is "edgy" It would be funny if it wasn't pretty disgusting. Wonder what her daughter Lourdes thinks seeing mommy masturbate on stage?
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It's like watching your grandma masterbate...*shudder*