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I like all the eyeliner she's wearing....I mean she's there help, but she's smart and knows there's still cameras around. Don't wanna look ugly when you're pretending to underdstand, Angie.
and what did you all do for thanksgiving? cut her some slack, she has a clue about what's going on just around the corner....our time will come, don't worry and i hope you'll be prepared.
There are more people who donated more precentage of their income for good cause, and keep quite too. She is obviously donating and adopting for the sake of good image.
Hey I give her credit. I think she is sincere. It looks like she really wants to dedicate her life to helping others. She is at least going out there and trying to do something. Not just sitting behind a phone bank for a few hours.
No snide remarks forthcoming from me. But I have to add that I really love Tom Petty 7:42.
But blast, now I can't get that song out of my head!
People: No, really woman, five bucks is not enough for our little baby girl. You have to pay at least ten.
Angelina: You better take it or I'll find myself a cheaper one in the next village!