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Kim Stewart has broken up with her boyfriend Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild fame. She must be rebounding hard because she has decided to turn her attention to Talen of Laguna Beach, a fresh high school grad at only 18.Yeah.....going from a guy that almost makes porn to a rich high schooler is pretty much Kimmie Stews style. Maybe next week she can start dating a male stripper. Look gang, it's a make your own dress like the kind you buy at a fabric store.
Talan is just a wannabe like everyone else from Laguna Beach. They're compromising themelves cause they got a little taste of fame. Their parents must want to shoot themselves right now.
Talan is just a wannabe like everyone else from Laguna Beach. They're compromising themelves cause they got a little taste of fame. Their parents must want to shoot themselves right now.