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Normally when I wake up with a mean hangover is my day is shot. However after hearing the news that Kim Stewart is engaged to Talen from Laguna Beach, I've miraculously recovered to post this mess. The pair have only been dating for two months but according to a friend, Talen really likes Stewart. Yeah it's always a good idea to get engaged to someone when you really like them......forget about all that love shit. Yeah when I was 18, I bought a big hugh diamond ring once...........from a gumball machine. Picture via People.com who does a great job highlighting shit
She's not wearing that ring in any other picture of the 2 of them together......I think they're both retarded but not that retarded to get married when Talan's 18. I thought he was gay anyway.
Are you working today?!?!?!
I'm glad you're not and I'm only kind of :)
Talan and Kim are really stretching their 15 inutes......