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Jessica Simpson is expanding her acting career by signing on to star in a new movie titled "Employee of the Month". Simpson will play a hot cashier at a discount store where the male co-workers vie for her attention by competing for employee of the month. Congrats to Jessica as she's picked another thrilling movie role that sure to win her an Oscar. Again Jessica....prozac would be helpful.
Great! I love it when Mediocre (at best) celebrities try to expand their repertoires by going into another entertainment realm and perform even worse! Jessica Simpson may have a nice voice, but unless you’re an 8 year old little girl her music is pretty standard and second-rate! Now what? She feels she has such an over flow of run of the mill talent we need to see her in a movie? What’s next? A clothing line? A car wash enterprise? A dry cleaning operation? My point is that she shows no true talent in her chosen calling, why would that make her think she’s going to do well in the movies? Einstein didn’t go into song writing. Socrates didn’t go into perfume design…and those guys were geniuses! Other celebrities who do the same thing: Shaq: Great basket ball player Crappy actor Terrible rapper Johnny Knoxville: Great Stunt guy Crappy actor J-Lo Mediocre singer Mediocre actress
See my point? Crap begets crap and I’m tired of having crap shoved down my throat all day long. We Anthony Hopkins decides to cut a record…well, then I might change my mind, but I’m sure even he could come up with a more interesting musical concept than Jessica Simpson.
The only person vying for that tramp's affection is Papa Joe.
Hopefully she won't sing in the movie and completely ruin it.