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In an effort to be frugal, the Olsen twins attend a red carpet event then hop on over to Central Park where the dresses will be used for a lovely evening picnic.
they look like homeless people with a fendi bag. and why does she take the very same bag everywhere she goes. a ovie, the same bag.... ared carpet evetn, the sabe gab.. she can't afford to buy a new one?
Anon 4:23: When you've got a bag that big, you can carry half the world in it. I can understand how it must be difficult to switch bags for just one boring red carpet event (and how else would she take care of the family of four living in there?).
Anon 1:23 I was enjoying the 'pig latin' letter reversal thing going on, kind of a Tourettish style or something?. Maybe just alot of typos, that's OK. I just wasn't sure if I was not up on a new kind of abre is all LOL!
Thank God moo-moos are red-carpet appropriate now. My grandmother will be such a HIT at all the parties this year.