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Whoever betted against me better pay up. Jordan Bratman has a big cock........duh. The record exec stood up at his rehersal dinner and made a toast thanking his parents for his good looks and large penis.After the toast, Bratman's brother and father seconded the notion. Bratman's new bride, Christina Aguilera, nodded and smiled during both toasts. Mmmhmm...daddy's packing the pistol. I wondered where my white pashmina went although I didn't expect Jordan to be the one wearing it. Thanks to everyone who called out that I put down Justin instead of Jordan. A mickey mouse club slip perhaps.
aww, jewish boy marries the evil shiksa in a traditional jewish ceremony, complete with prayer--er, pashmina, shawl. his mom must be so PROUD. those jews have big ones. i'm a half heeb myself, let's hope that's one thing i got from daddy!
you mean Jordan- right?