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Can't believe Mischa is tainting herself with that guy. I would not be doing some guy with some other girl's name tattooed on his body. You want some of this? You get that thing lasered off and maybe we'll talk about you touching my hot body. After we have a talk about you cutting your hair and what a dumbass thing it is to do to tattoo Skank Stewart's name anywhere.
what exactly is so hot about this guy that he is getting all these chicks? I mean they could have anyone they want and they are hanging around with this sleazeball groupie slut pony?
One thing that kind of cool is it looks like this picture could have been taken back in the 70's. Misha actually looks really pretty here. Kind of a Linda Ronstant look.
Except for the tat. They didn't do that shit much back then. They might get high, hallucinate and stab a ball point pen in their arms, but nothing professional man.
Thanks for getting that close up of his nip. EW.