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Little SPF, or as I like to call him baby-fed, is on display for everyone to see. It's ten dollars at the door but 5 bucks if you pay ahead of time. Kevin is also offering a two for one special just for today.Now Kevin will be able to buy that boat he wants. I see.......................there's no hair to cornrow yet but just you wait people...just wait. Photos via the JJB
Looks like it was a contrived photo....like someone in Britney's camp said , "you're getting some flack for being out shopping all the time and not home with/ or including the baby. We need a photo of you pretending to be a doting Mom".
Did I read somewhere that this was supposedly taken in the middle of the night?
First of all the baby is sleeping and if you look at the first photo you will see that the nanny is not even look at the baby. The nanny is just holding the baby's hand so it looks like she is working (she needs her job). Leave Britney alone. Don't judge her on whether she is a good mother or not to a child. Thats wrong. She has not neglected/abandoned her child in any way. She loves her baby and she doesn't need this type of criticism as a young mother and so early in her motherhood.
He's right next to her...but she wont even feed him!!
Yep!Mother of the Year Award goes to.....Trailer Trash!