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All that money, and bitch can't find a bikini with a matching top or bottom?
Totally clashing is so hott. Like, when you fire your filthy Mexican house staff for, like, throwing out the top to one bikini and the bottom of another and then you TOTALLY just put them together like bam? That's hott. Bam is hott. Emeril Lagasse is hott. ADD is so hott.
She having her hats her way. Hoorah! The trucker hat trend looks kinda cute on PH. Her look beats out the wacko groucho marxs, and barvarian fur helmets the Euro designers are trying to force feed us.
And she still dresses better than Sienna AW Miller anyday!
All that money, and bitch can't find a bikini with a matching top or bottom?
Totally clashing is so hott. Like, when you fire your filthy Mexican house staff for, like, throwing out the top to one bikini and the bottom of another and then you TOTALLY just put them together like bam? That's hott. Bam is hott. Emeril Lagasse is hott. ADD is so hott.