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Guy Richie hates his wife Madonna's new album, Confessions on a Dance Floor.The singer admits that when her husband listened to it he thought it was shit. Yeah Guy .........and your movie Swept Away was totally not shit. Mmm right............ Madonna: What the hell did you do with my spandex, Guy? Guy: It's umm... in the wash.
is this the beginning of the end? Not exactly great marital relations when the couple starts calling the other's work shite in public. Not to mention that BS interview Madge/Esther/HairArmpit did about her child rearing voodoo theories.
Didn't he do "Lock,Stock, Barrel, and two smoking guns" ? or something like that?
Heard that was OK, but he passed on Layer Cake (a great movie), and let Matthew Vaugh do it. HE on the other hand did "Swept Away" instead......So he has great taste!. :0
Got to give it up to Matthew on the spouse end to. He's married to Claudia Schiffer.
But back to Mag and Guy, you can just feel the love between them.
Hmm...well ..it seems as Madonna really is about as stressed over the comment as she has been in the past over the opinions of others! Stressed all the way to the bank and to the mirror as she ponders over what she will do with herself and the negative publicity. Try again, people... Rock on you Glam, Shiny, Spandex Queen you!
I love Madonna's 80's curling iron flippy curls. I wonder when she will bring back the rosary beads and bustier look.