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M-aniston is too old for Nick. I'm thinking he needs to get some but not a disease so that rules out a Hilton sister. Olsens are too young. Let's go with Alyssa Milano or, if he must stick with the blondes, Britney (since she'll be split with Sped soon), Kim Stewart is pretty slutty, or maybe Lindsay would go blonde again for him...
I see Nick ending up with someone wayyyy more normal and out of the public eye. Maybe some entrepreneur or young law student, someone sweet how Jess used to be before fame changed her for the worse. Now Jess and her pal Jaime Lynn Discala can whore it up out on the town together.
I can't tell you how thrilled I am over this news. I've always been a 98 fan especially nicks fan. I only sorta like slutson because of nick.
I think they are just two totally different people and never belonged together.
Yes, he is famous but he has never let it get to his head. I bet if it were up to him they'd live in an average house and not be so showey with the money.
She might have been nice in the beginning but she did at total 360 and is a totally different person now. Fame has gone to her head. Now she can slut it up like the rest of Hollywood.
I really think children was the issue with them. He's not getting any younger and she just keeps putting it off, I think she knows once you have a kid your life as you once knew it is over.She's too selfish to risk it.
I think they would be missing a great opportunity for a new talk show. Or they could form a Nick, and Jessica dating game show.
Their first guests should be Brad, Jen, Angie, and Vince of course, and maybe they could even launch an "intervention" with Jude and Sienna. Someone has to end that shit.
I think Nick and Jen Aniston would make a cute couple.
And Jessica? I'm thinking she's just a lipstick lesbian waiting to come out of the closet.