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Page Six is reporting that Hohan's relationship with Jared Leto is dunzo. Leto was seen all over a random blond at the Hard Rock Casino & Hotel in Vegas last night. Poor Lindsay....too bad this is what she wrote in her thanks section of her new album( via Pink is the New Blog): JL - are you a beautiful lie or are you my fatal crime? Am I your beautiful lie or are you my beautiful life? I hope the 2 beautiful worlds or lie's and life's collide. With the good karma on my side. Because I know I'm right. Thanks for being a companion through this record...love you...and thank you for coming into my life. Umm Yuck. He probably broke up with you for writing all that crap. Nice......Lohan stole a choir robe from my church but then hacked the bottom of it off.
She not only sucked incredibly last night - the chick *cannot* sing at all (Ashlee would kick her butt in a sing off), but she also has no grasp of apostrophes and plurals.
She not only sucked incredibly last night - the chick *cannot* sing at all (Ashlee would kick her butt in a sing off), but she also has no grasp of apostrophes and plurals.