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Cisco Alder decided he needed to compete with his ex fiance Kim Stewart and has reportedly asked girlfriend Mischa Barton to marry him. Barton accepted the proposal after Alder got down on one knee and presented Barton with a bunch of tropical flowers. No mention of the ring is noted. That's because Mischa's going to have to haul ass to jewelry store and buy the thing herself. Cisco can't afford a haircut and a razor let alone a freaking ring. I hope he at least took off that nasty bandana when he proposed.
It's Adler. Both of them are seriously on the rebound (I liked her with Brandon much better) and should not be getting engaged so soon. Why is the new trend: Go on 3 dates and then propose? Is that really a good idea? These people are deciding to get married at the point they should be deciding to become exclusive or maybe meet each other's parents. Attention Celebs: Spend at least one of every season with each other before you decide to spend (ostensibly) your entire lives bonded in holy matrimony.
Cisco Adler is loaded, his father is legendary record producer Lou Adler. Mischa's dumb as a rock and looks like a Komodo dragon, but one thing she does know is that she's talentless so her charms or lack thereof must be sold to the highest bidder.
Haha... ya Cisco is awesome. Have you ever been to a Whitstarr concert? He rocks the place so Mischa is a lucky girl... and Cisco can buy hair cut thanks! I think they are cute.
god, doesn't this just reek of britney and kev all over again? gross!