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Tara Reid doesn't want us to associate her with Paris Hilton. Reid claims that the only reason why pictures get taken of them together is because they happen to be in the same place at the same time. Reid goes on further to say that Paris and her don't even have each others phone numbers. That's probably because Hilton won't give you hers. You know you have no friends left when you are forced to dance on tables with Kim Stewart.
Oh Paris Get some extensions back, and dye your hair to its original color. YOU look like a fried cottonball sweetie. You hair looks like it would fall out if you actually brushed it. Poor girl, the bleached washed out her brain.
Oh Paris Get some extensions back, and dye your hair to its original color. YOU look like a fried cottonball sweetie. You hair looks like it would fall out if you actually brushed it. Poor girl, the bleached washed out her brain.