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US Weekly and PerezHilton.com are reporting that Paris Hilton has finally announced that her relationship with Paris2 is over. Paris claims it was her decision to end things and that it is a painful and emotional time for her......... painful and emotional because you don't have that huge rock anymore. Goodbye Ring. Awwww.....maybe if you beg he'll let you keep it.
That ring was hideous. It took up half her hand, I am all for big diamonds but 24 carats on your hand? Tacky. We know you have money, Paris. We know.
I was so hoping they would get married and she really would disappear into domesticity like she said she was planning to do and I wouldn't have to look at her anymore. Oh well, a girl can dream.
there was NO WAY that wedding was going to happen- Paris has too many years of whoring to do before she will "settle down", and you know that bitch will have more than one marriage......
"painful and emotional"??? Puh-leeze!! I think she should consider entering a nunnery. She's already had enough fucking to last a lifetime, and the public is so sick-to-death of her, I think its the only step left.
she looks really sad but I don't feel bad for her!