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Mary Kate Olsen was spotted at a club making out with ex-boyfriend David Katzenberg. Katzenberg has been recently linked to Nicky Hilton while MK's other ex "that rich Greek guy", has been hooking up with Paris Hilton.I'm not sure it's the best idea to get back with an ex after he's been screwing around with a Hilton sister......herpes are forever. Ohhh yeahh they better not take my ex-boyfriends...were goin' beat some ass.
hey anon 2:09pm- i think its still pretty easy to sign up for page six. you do not have to pay or anything....just provide your email and shit. try and see. sorry though...the article wasnt that good anyway.
hey anon 2:09pm- i think its still pretty easy to sign up for page six. you do not have to pay or anything....just provide your email and shit. try and see. sorry though...the article wasnt that good anyway.
i'm not sure the Hilton sisters have herpes. I was thinking more like syphilis.