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Lindsay Lohan was involved in a car crash today but is okay. The car she was riding in suffered serious damage...... but who the hell cares she'll just buy a new one. Is your new video a musical or an opera?
So, I've been reading all the articles on this whole HoHan car crash thing. Some say the bitch wasn't even being chased by the paparazzi! And the car she hit was some fucking van and the dude is pretty injured. Well, he's acting that way anyway. I would fake my own death if HoHan hit me with her car. My family would be cajillionaires and shit. Another source claims that HoHan's friend had to run back to the car to get something. Yeah to get Grade A crack!
So this all boils down to HoHan being a fucking drama queen. The paparazzi hound Angie Jolie every minute of her life and is this bitch running into cars and screaming for her life? No. That's because HoHan's extensions are probably pulled so tight that it's caused blood flow to her brain to cease.
You know this bitch's PR rep is making a call to Oprah right now. I can see this bitch crying her eyes out on Oprah talking about how she almost died. You wish bitch! That would be the best thing to happen to your fucking career!
No, Lindsay lohan isn't that bad. She may have did this, but it was an accident. She is beautifal, smart, funny and rich. I think that you people are acting ridiclous and if you want to act like a baby, you can go home.
I indeed agree with the person who said, "Thank God, she wasn't hurt bad. She could have been killed. Linsay is a good girl".
and then i heard she ran into an antique store afterwards because she was being chased by the paparazzi.