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Katie Holmes has severed all ties to reality. Holmes fired her publicist last week in favor of hiring Tom Cruise's Scientologist crazy sister.When are the aliens rolling in to deliver the baby? Holmes has already broken out her stash of the Hollywood maternity shirt. Pictures scooped up from the JJB Board.
I am putting this out there. Katie is tall so she shouldn't be showing so much already. I am thinking IVF and a multiple birth. Money for life for her, unfortunately , ties to Cruise and Scientology forever too.
What I find suspect is that BOTH his first wife and second had miscarriages around the time that Tom dumped them. I always thought that was very weird.
My theory: Tom, despite his public protestations, believed he was "infertile" and thus assumed both former wives had slept around on him when they announced their pregnancies. It makes sense then that no birth control was used with number three.
Sometimes, being declared "infertile" just means that the sperm count is too low to gaurantee a pregnancy, not that one won't slip through.
Also, someone with a low sperm count probably has a low motility as well which can result in miscarriages.
How can she be showing already? Maybe her missing weeks in April were spent at the fertility clinic, cuz you know Tom didn't hit that sh*t!