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Hilary Duff joins the ranks of the rest by releasing her own fragrance.Many other stars have released a fragrance this year including Paris Hilton and Sarah Jessica Parker. All of the fragrances pretty much smell like dog shit. Duff's been legal for a week and it looks like Joel has been putting her to good use.
*sigh* it doesn't even make SENSE to write fragrance's. It's fragrances, not fragrance's. If you're trying to get people to take you seriously, at least learn proper grammar.
oh for the love......... i don't want people to take me seriously. That's the thing....... this is a fun blog AND I am making sure I don't use commas the right want just to irritate you.
Not to be picky but that's not a comma that's an apostrophe.
Here's the definiton from dictionary.com
a·pos·tro·phe n. The superscript sign ( ' ) used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, or the plurals of numbers, letters, and abbreviations.
as i said before in another post a few days ago, this poster has a master's degree and someone has been reading too much 'eats, shoots and leaves' as my point has been proven here----look at your old science/math/biz professors' spelling and grammar--half the time they had to double check the spelling with the students; some of the most brilliant minds can't spell worth a shit. jesus.
i am going to continue to to screw up the grammer, spelling, and ' on this site because it is apparently increasing my traffic by the boat load. thanks to everyone who reads this site just to see what my crackhead commenters are shitting on me for.
Who cares about grammar! Just make mean comments about Hilary Duff! I'll start, Hilary is a cry baby with no talent, is a total wannabe, can't sing, dance, or act for beans, and must die.
*sigh* it doesn't even make SENSE to write fragrance's. It's fragrances, not fragrance's. If you're trying to get people to take you seriously, at least learn proper grammar.