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A reader has brought this to my attention. People do not realize that clicking on the titles of my posts will take you to other websites and articles because the titles are not underlined. So my question is if you are all unaware that my titles link to other sites? Please respond.......NOW. Yes! I knew that! I'm not another dumb celebrity.
Oh! I get it! Now I know why you get so pissed off when I write asking, "WTF? Where's the rest of the info?" Seriously, how was I supposed to know that?
kelditty, don't feel bad. These people must be morons not to know that those were links. Y'all? When the arrow turns into a pointing hand ITS CLICKABLE. Seriously, how are any of you getting by day to day?
i would think that if people know that all the blogs under "good reads" are links then they should have figured out that the titles are links too. you rock my world kel.
I didn't know that! What are all you people doing with your mouses all over the website? I keep mine on the scroll bar as I go down reading the page, I don't think that makes me a moron.
I've been reading your site since the start of summer (I love your biting sarcasm), and I had no idea you linked. Like another commenter said, it would have made it more obvious if you underlined.
I knew...but mostly because I use blogger, too. I like to think I would have figured it out (hopefully sooner, rather than later) but I'm not going to start throwing those stones.
oh! lol,i seriously did'nt know it either..i usually press the page down button to scroll down n read the stuff. hyperlinks should be underlined or something
hmmmmm.....apparently I should start unlining this stuff. ofcourse I have no idea how. Great. as for the font, some of you see one font and some see another pending on how updated your computer is. one is pretty and one is ugly. If i ever get a web designer I'll have them fix it but I don't have one so oh well!
Hey!actually i found out i could link when accidentally moved my mouse and it ended on top of a title and i saw there was a link!!!!i also been reading your page for a while and i didn't know i could link...anyways, you could put some legend at the top of the page telling the titles are links so morons like myself would know right away about the link, ok?. Keep up the good work!!!!kisses from Argentina!!!!
Hey!actually i found out i could link when accidentally moved my mouse and it ended on top of a title and i saw there was a link!!!!i also been reading your page for a while and i didn't know i could link...anyways, you could put some legend at the top of the page telling the titles are links so morons like myself would know right away about the link, ok?. Keep up the good work!!!!kisses from Argentina!!!!
Didn't know until I read it in another set of comments. So yes and no.