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I think I'm going to pass on buying that one. I'm willing to bet any amount of money that no one from her entourage stole this tape and is threatening to release it. We're talking about the King and Queen of self-publicity here. For such a dumb guy Kevin sure knows how to rake in the dough.I can't wait till he starts selling little Sean Preston's poop filled diapers. Happy 4th of July
Oh how am I going to say this without getting sick!?? On Perezhilton.com, it says the video show Kevin doing the deed with Brit and she was BLEEDING!! And this is when she was pregnant! This will get ya thinking! Remember when she was rushed to the hospital when she was pregnant?? and wasn't it for bleeding?? Hmm...maybe Kevin was poking the magic stick too hard!! Eww!!
gold bless the USA but not brit